Installation: Unzip the "Westland_Lynx_SH14D" file, and put the Gauges & Simobjects files into your main FSX folder. If ask to copy says Yes. Bugs: - A common bug are the invisible ....
This file contains updated textures for F-101A/C, 81st TFW repaints, plus a set of RF-101 textures. Individual spec panels have been added and alpha channels enabled on the models. This model have ..
Designed by Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, the airships were built from a rigid cigar shaped metal structure of circular frames connected by longitudinal beams. This made them strong enough to be ....
Antonov An-72/74 Original model by Dimitri Samborski adapted for FSX. The package features 1 military and 3 civil livery's Ka Avia, Kupol Avia, Raf Avia, and Kazakhstan Border guard. Also a ....
In the Freeware you'll find Textures for the F8-E Crusader (have flight it only with this model) from Virtavia/Alpha and for the ALPHA RF-101 Voodoo, for the SOH E1-B Tracer and for the ....