FSX Grumman F-14D Tomcat Rev 0
"Flight Dynamics, (V 03-07), FDE & Aircraft.cfg by IVAN KOSTIC". Aircraft perfectly controllable & maneuverable within the whole original Tomcat's flight envelope. Custom sounds by Christoffer Peterson. Rework of Scott Printz's HUD_Hornet.XML for HUD development for the F-14D by Ivan. FSX aircraft.cfg & panel.cfg rework & FSX migration by Steve Hinson. GMAX 3D model by Jeff Dobbings & Dino Cattaneo. OUR NEW DFX 3D MODEL will replace Dino's model in appx. 3 months. System's Design: Steve. Panels by Steve, VC mold by Dino Cattaneo & Jeff Dobbings. Carrier Op Pack 3.0 by Rob Barendregt & Doug Dawson, with TransSonic Vapor-FX by Nick Needham. COP3 with permission by Rob Barendregt. FSUIPC.DLL Rev 4.072 freeware included for installation in FSX. READ PETE DOWSON's NOTES COMPLETELY! READ COP3 intructs COMPLETELY. COP3 is installed. Credits & documentation files for install, use of COP3, & remaining items inside DOCS subfolder. Many thanks to Dino & Jeff for the use of their model file. I dedicate this FSX upgrade to Dino, Jeff, John, Paul, Rob, Nick, Doug, Scott, Chris, Ardie, Duncan, Darek, & Ivan Kostic: my BEST FRIEND. ALL who helped bring my final dream to fruition. This is a manual install of medium difficulty. It is a THRILL to land on MOVING & static carriers in FSX!